Quick Start

Getting Started with API Mock by Lazycatlabs


API Mock is a tool that allows you to mock API responses. Write in Rust 🦀 (btw) and use Actix Web framework. It is useful for testing and development purposes. You can use it to simulate different scenarios and test your application's behavior under different conditions.


API Mock is use 2 type Authentication. First is General Token and Second is Authentication Token.

General Token

General token is token which is need clientId and clientSecret. The usage for General Token is to know which client is using the API Mock. That's also allow to block the client if the client is not allowed to use the API Mock. That's why you need the general token to access login or register endpoint.

Authentication Token

Authentication token is used to access the API Mock which is need user authentication. You need to login first to get the Authentication token. Authentication token is used to get current user information, update current user data, etc.

You can see the description on Authorization section.


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